The new report by the H2020 project RenOnBill provides practical guidelines to any energy utility or other market actor interested in developing an on-bill offer for the energy renovation of residential buildings. The aim is to accompany the utility from the very beginning of the process, studying the national and local framework conditions and carrying out an examination of its strategical preferences that will help to assess the feasibility of launching on-bill offers.
In order to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of each subtype of on-bill scheme, the RenOnBill consortium analysed four business models for on-bill services, based on criteria and factors that were validated thanks to stakeholders’ consultations in Italy, Germany, Lithuania and Spain. The analysis follows the Value Flow Model developed by the Eindhoven University of Technology that supports the better understanding of the complex combination of agents, their motivations and the interactions involved in the offer of on-bill services.
This report contains:
The report comes together with a series of factsheets illustrating the key elements of the main business models developed by the project that can be found at this link.